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Tutoring Services

作为十大正规赌博平台大全排行的学生,你可以享受免费的辅导服务. With online options, you can be sure to find something that fits your needs and your schedule.

学习共享资源的平均得分为2分,000 tutoring sessions a term with 70% of sessions provided in support of computer science, mathematics and writing.

Contact Information


Get Started

*找不到合适的家教预约? Click here >

What is Tutoring?

Tutoring is: 

  • 不仅仅是家庭作业辅导——相反, our tutoring approach is designed to help reinforce concepts from the course.
  • Foundational level support – our tutoring program focuses on core, introductory Franklin classes.
  • 指导,鼓励,指导.
  • 免费给目前在读的学生.

Tutoring is not:

  • 家庭作业服务——十大正规赌博平台大全排行的导师不会为你做家庭作业. Instead they will help you understand the concepts so you can improve your level of understanding.
  • A substitute for going to class – you get the most out of tutoring by attending all classes and being prepared to ask tutors specific questions
  • Only for those who are chronically "lost" in a course – the best students know their limitations and use tutors to help them along the way.


All Franklin students are expected to adhere to the following tutoring policies as a courtesy to other students and our tutors:

  • Prepare for the appointment -学生应准备好接受辅导.  Make sure that you are prepared for your tutoring appointment by attending class regularly, 阅读指定的材料, 尝试布置的课程, 为导师准备问题.
  • Bring course materials - Students are expected to bring their own materials to the tutoring appointment, including textbooks, 书写用具和计算器.
  • 期待基于概念的辅导 - While the tutors will assist with any questions regarding the covered concepts, 他们不会帮助你完成评分作业.
  • 计划会话数- You may schedule up to two tutoring appointments per week per subject (e.g.,两次数学,两次写作等.). Please note that you may schedule only one appointment in the same subject each day and that the online writing review also counts as an appointment.
  • Show up on time - It is crucial that you show up on time for your scheduled appointment. The tutor will wait no more than 10 minutes; thereafter, 你的预约将失效,你将被视为旷课.
  • Cancel on time -如果你不能参加预定的辅导课程, 请在……之内取消你的约会 WC Online tutoring system 不迟于预约时间前两小时. 此后发生的任何取消都将记录为 Late Cancelation
  • No-show policy - Two no-shows, regardless of the subject, will result in your termination from scheduling any further tutoring appointments for the remainder of the term.
  • Late Cancelation policy-Four late cancelations (appointment cancelations within in two-hours of your appointment), regardless of subject, will result in your termination from scheduling any further tutoring appointments for the remainder of the term.
  • Instructor notification -学习共享中心为教师准备每周报告, 通知他们你使用辅导服务的情况.

学生们应该遵循所有这些指导方针. Not doing so may result in the forfeiture of further Learning Commons assistance.
*The Learning Commons reserves the right to schedule appointments based off of tutor availability and not personal preference.

Writing Services

Online Writing Review

The writing service is available to review and provide feedback on your paper prior to in class submission. Just complete a form with basic information about yourself and the assignment, 然后把你的论文发到学习共享网站. Your paper is then reviewed by a qualified tutor who adds comments to your paper and returns it to you within 24-48 hours.

Submit Paper for Review > 


This online writing support tool is designed to help Franklin University students improve their sentence-level writing skills. Through this website, you can upload a draft of your assignment and receive instant feedback on grammar and mechanics. In order to utilize this service, you must use your Franklin email address.

Upload Paper to Grammarly >

Additional Study Resources

“重要的成就需要明确的重点, all-out effort, 还有一个装满策略的无底箱子, plus allies in learning”
- Carol Dweck

Students often think all that is necessary to be a good student is showing up for class, taking notes, 在考试前阅读课本和学习. However, learning, like many other activities, involves a particular set of skills and strategies that require practice to be successful.  作为你学习上的盟友之一, the Learning Commons has curated the following online resources and strategies to help you improve your study skills and habits. 

Frequently Asked Questions